Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We are finally home for the summer!
After a few dizzying weeks on vacation, we are finally home for the rest of the summer! Hooray! We returned this weekend from family camp - the best week of the year according to our kids (and us). It is a week in Wisconsin with great friends where we play very hard each day and grow closer to the Lord. How cool is that! It is totally worth the 9 hour drive to: ski, wakeboard, catch a frog for the frog jumping contest, build a bird house, make candles, play ultimate frisbee, the amazing grace race, kayaking, build-a-boat in 20 minutes (it sunk), triathlon, swim the lake in the most miserable conditions ever, campfires and many other treats. The kids had a great time. Alex is now riding his bike without training wheels and participated in the kids duathlon. Tristan won the duathlon this year since his bike didn't break. Enjoy the pictures:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Busy Summer
We have had an incredibly busy summer so far. This is the first morning Harry and I actually slept in (and school has been out for a month!)
Things to be thankful for :
Golf season is OVER.
The yearbook is done.
Harry's first summer class is finished.
My mom is doing well after surgery.
My grandma celebrated her 100th birthday.
The kids are all learning to swim.
Alex can now ride his bike.
We had a great week with my family at the cabins.
My niece is feeling great after emergency surgery (on the same day as my mom's)
Tristan loved Cub Scout camp.
Tristan placed 3rd at the Iron Kid Triathlon.
Alex had a great 7th birthday.
Lily had a great 5th birthday.
I've made 8 batches of strawberry, raspberry or mixed jam from my garden!
June's was a fun month, though, with more fun planned in July.
Things to be prayful for:
My mom was recently diagnosed with uterine cancer and had surgery 3 weeks ago. The results were mixed (surgery went well, the aggressive cancer cells had not spread but less aggressive ones had spread to a few lymph nodes). She will start chemotherapy and radiation soon so any prayers for her would be greatly appreciated.
Lyra's continued speech therapy. It is now looking likely she will need several surgeries in the next couple years to help her speech.
My shin splints! I am supposed to be training for a race and 2 weeks on new shoes left my lower legs in pain!
I'll try to post more pictures from this month later today.
Things to be thankful for :
Golf season is OVER.
The yearbook is done.
Harry's first summer class is finished.
My mom is doing well after surgery.
My grandma celebrated her 100th birthday.
The kids are all learning to swim.
Alex can now ride his bike.
We had a great week with my family at the cabins.
My niece is feeling great after emergency surgery (on the same day as my mom's)
Tristan loved Cub Scout camp.
Tristan placed 3rd at the Iron Kid Triathlon.
Alex had a great 7th birthday.
Lily had a great 5th birthday.
I've made 8 batches of strawberry, raspberry or mixed jam from my garden!
June's was a fun month, though, with more fun planned in July.
Things to be prayful for:
My mom was recently diagnosed with uterine cancer and had surgery 3 weeks ago. The results were mixed (surgery went well, the aggressive cancer cells had not spread but less aggressive ones had spread to a few lymph nodes). She will start chemotherapy and radiation soon so any prayers for her would be greatly appreciated.
Lyra's continued speech therapy. It is now looking likely she will need several surgeries in the next couple years to help her speech.
My shin splints! I am supposed to be training for a race and 2 weeks on new shoes left my lower legs in pain!
I'll try to post more pictures from this month later today.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Notice anything different?
Lily last weekend:

Lily this weekend:

Sure, her hair is a little crazy in the first picture but at least she has bangs! Last Saturday Lily discovered a scissors in my bathroom and decided the bangs just had to go. This is not her first attempt at cutting her own hair, it is her 3rd! The second attempt, only one month ago ended with a severe scolding and the punishment to cut off her "princess hair" if she tried it again.
Now, this is a pretty severe threat since it is Lily's dream to have long, flowing hair down to the floor. After this hair cut was discovered, Lily compliantly allowed me to cut her hair into a much shorter, more manageable hair cut. Lily rarely does anything compliantly (any chance for some drama works for her) so I knew that she knew that she was in serious trouble. But, it's only hair and it will grow long as she leaves it alone! Now when Lily tells people that I cut her hair, I just smile and say, "Lily started it and I got to finish it". If anyone has any ideas for her bangs, let me know.

Lily this weekend:

Sure, her hair is a little crazy in the first picture but at least she has bangs! Last Saturday Lily discovered a scissors in my bathroom and decided the bangs just had to go. This is not her first attempt at cutting her own hair, it is her 3rd! The second attempt, only one month ago ended with a severe scolding and the punishment to cut off her "princess hair" if she tried it again.
Now, this is a pretty severe threat since it is Lily's dream to have long, flowing hair down to the floor. After this hair cut was discovered, Lily compliantly allowed me to cut her hair into a much shorter, more manageable hair cut. Lily rarely does anything compliantly (any chance for some drama works for her) so I knew that she knew that she was in serious trouble. But, it's only hair and it will grow long as she leaves it alone! Now when Lily tells people that I cut her hair, I just smile and say, "Lily started it and I got to finish it". If anyone has any ideas for her bangs, let me know.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Lyra!
This week we celebrated Lyra's third birthday! This was especially exciting as this was her first birthday that we celebrated as a family. She was delighted with the cake but especially the presents!

Lyra's 2nd birthday celebrated with her Chinese foster mom with China Care. You'd think she would look happier with a cake that is nearly as big as she is!

Lyra's first birthday celebrated with her foster mother, Ruth.

And a huge thanks to Ruth for the lovely book for Lyra. She received it on her birthday and took great pleasure in opening it and having it read to her.

Lyra's 2nd birthday celebrated with her Chinese foster mom with China Care. You'd think she would look happier with a cake that is nearly as big as she is!

Lyra's first birthday celebrated with her foster mother, Ruth.
And a huge thanks to Ruth for the lovely book for Lyra. She received it on her birthday and took great pleasure in opening it and having it read to her.
Alex's writing
I am going to treat you to a couple samples of Alex's writing. He brings them home most nights from school and it's my nightly challenge to decipher these amazing tales from a kindergartner. You can try your skills at getting into the mind of a 6 year-old, too! I will type them exactly as written:
How did you do? Did you catch the tragic beginning to the story? How about the exciting action and the amazing problem solving abilities of the main character? Or do you need a little help with the translation?
I definitely prefer Alex's version. Want to try again? Here's another favorite written a couple months after the leisrd story so it may be a little clearer:
Again, lots of excitement with a few educational points added. Need help with any of it? Here is goes:
Hope you enjoyed this kindergarten challenge as much as I did!
the lost leisrd
Hie im GieGo I whus lust born.
But when I whoK uP my Parens
whr gon. I lookt urawhnd
My ParenS whrnt thar. So I whent
to looking for them. U SnaK PoPt out of
Nohar I uy out the Get uwha Plan.
I Got uwha frum the SnaK.
How did you do? Did you catch the tragic beginning to the story? How about the exciting action and the amazing problem solving abilities of the main character? Or do you need a little help with the translation?
The Lost Lizard
Hi. I'm a Gecko. I was just born.
But when I woke up my parents
were gone! I looked around.
My parents weren't there. So I went
looking for them. A snake popped out of
nowhere! I used out the get-away plan!
I got away from the snake.
I definitely prefer Alex's version. Want to try again? Here's another favorite written a couple months after the leisrd story so it may be a little clearer:
I get wet in the ran.
ran is wotr that falls
from the claws. do you
want to here a funy
story yes. oun day
lo cus cam ove to my haws
we wint outsid we
thot is whus raning
but it whus halling
we ranto the tramplen.
wii fellt the hall we
ran rit insid. Sum times
hall looks like ran.
Ran helps pans gro.
Again, lots of excitement with a few educational points added. Need help with any of it? Here is goes:
I get wet in the rain.
Rain is water that falls
from the clouds. Do you
want to hear a funny
story? Yes! One day
Lucas came over to my house.
We went outside. We
thought is was raining
but it was hailing!
We ran to the trampoline.
We felt the hail. We
ran right inside. Sometimes
hail looks like rain.
Rain helps plants grow.
Hope you enjoyed this kindergarten challenge as much as I did!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I'm back, at least for today
Did I mention I was a terrible blogger? You were warned. Chaos has been swirling through our home but my head is still above water. It seems between work, managing a home, cub scouts, swim club, mini 4-H, speech therapy, developmental therapy, homework and preschool, I barely have time to breath. Oh, and golf is in full swing so Harry has many commitments as the coach. We are all well with the family, though, and we feel so blessed to be able to have such wonderful opportunities.
I will post some pictures (which is why anyone who still checks this site is really interested in seeing, right?)
Items of interest in the last 3 months:
Spring Break: We took the world's cheapest vacation to Florida. We drove to Florida, used free hotel nights, stayed at my grandpa's house, took daily trips to the beach, cooked food at the house and had one of the best trips ever! The kids loved the beaches and parks we found in Florida.
School: Tristan in finishing up the 3rd grade and is loving cub scouts. Alex loved his first year of kindergarten and is becoming a great writer - I'll try to post an example later. Lily decided on her own that she is going to kindergarten next year. I wanted to hold her back since she will be one of the youngest in her class but she learned everything I required and now will attend school in the fall. Lyra continues with speech and developmental therapies and is making good progress.
The Mini: Harry and I ran the Mini marathon in Indy again this year. We were going to run the race together but due to some lack of communication, our 2 1/2 hours of "alone time" running with 35,000 other people didn't happen. But we both had good times and it was a positive experience by the end of the race. We are both training for another Olympic Tri this summer in our spare time (as in 5:30am).
I will post some pictures (which is why anyone who still checks this site is really interested in seeing, right?)
Items of interest in the last 3 months:
Spring Break: We took the world's cheapest vacation to Florida. We drove to Florida, used free hotel nights, stayed at my grandpa's house, took daily trips to the beach, cooked food at the house and had one of the best trips ever! The kids loved the beaches and parks we found in Florida.
School: Tristan in finishing up the 3rd grade and is loving cub scouts. Alex loved his first year of kindergarten and is becoming a great writer - I'll try to post an example later. Lily decided on her own that she is going to kindergarten next year. I wanted to hold her back since she will be one of the youngest in her class but she learned everything I required and now will attend school in the fall. Lyra continues with speech and developmental therapies and is making good progress.
The Mini: Harry and I ran the Mini marathon in Indy again this year. We were going to run the race together but due to some lack of communication, our 2 1/2 hours of "alone time" running with 35,000 other people didn't happen. But we both had good times and it was a positive experience by the end of the race. We are both training for another Olympic Tri this summer in our spare time (as in 5:30am).
Friday, February 6, 2009
Chaos of My Life

I am a terrible blogger. I freely admit it. I guess every time I went to the Journey to Lyra site to post the last couple of months it felt too hard. Although we are still getting to know Lyra and value her, the posts in my head were not all about Lyra anymore. I have been meaning to start a new blog months ago but life passes before my eyes - I look around and it is the weekend again. Enter Chaos. Chaos describes my life very well these days. With 1 husband, 4 kids, 1 dog, 9 cats, 2 hermit crabs, and 1 fish, it is so hard to keep track of what day it is, let alone if I've blogged lately. I keep hoping it's just a stage but I have come to embrace the chaos. I read in my Bible the other day the following verse:
Psalm 51:7
Soak me in your laundry and I'll come out clean, scrub me and I'll have a snow-white life. Tune me in to foot-tapping songs, set these once-broken bones to dancing. Don't look too close for blemishes, give me a clean bill of health. God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Don't throw me out with the trash, or fail to breathe holiness in me. Bring me back from gray exile, put a fresh wind in my sails! Give me a job teaching rebels your ways so the lost can find their way home. Commute my death sentence, God, my salvation God, and I'll sing anthems to your life-giving ways. Unbutton my lips, dear God; I'll let loose with your praise.
It gives me hope that God can use my life with the blemishes and can put a fresh wind in my sails. How awesome is that! I won't promise to post daily but will attempt to keep everyone updated on our family.
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